PTA Information
What is PTA?
PTA is you! Parents, teachers, and staff have a fantastic partnership at Center Street.
How are the funds we raise spent?
Many ways including the following:
Smartboards and document cameras in ALL classrooms
iPads and laptops in the classrooms
First Day of School Coffee
Room Parent and Teacher luncheon
Field trips and assemblies for all grade levels
Family education nights
Grades of Green Program
Cougar Patch/Garden
Character Counts
And much more – check out our Volunteer page for more information and other ways to help.
For the past couple of years, CSS PTA has been able to gift at least $100,000 back to our school for improvements, teacher training, needed equipment, and more to benefit our students.
When are the meetings?
Come to our PTA meetings the 3rd Wednesday of every month, alternating between evening and day meetings. Free babysitting is offered for the evening meetings; however, we ask that you please register your child(ren) prior to the meeting by emailing